Monday, May 4, 2009

A bit of history...

“On December 12, 1901, (Guglielmo) Marconi huddled in the half-built Canadian station, pressing a receiver to his ear as icy winds howled outside. The situation seemed hopeless. Then he heard it: dot-dot-dot. Had he imagined it? He listened, and heard it again: dot-dot-dot. It was a signal from Cornwall (England). A wireless message had made it across the Atlantic.”
~ from The Human Odyssey: Our Modern World, 1400-1914.

When I asked my friend, and illustrator, to design a blog banner for this site, I asked her to do something with the words: dot-dot-dot. Of course, at the time, I was only referring to my writing style… I use lots of dots when I write…

Much to my surprise, I came across the above passage in the middle of a homeschooling lesson with my seventh grader. Radio transmissions across the Atlantic… facebook… twitter… blogs… it’s all so amazing. Now, here on my own blog, I'll share my adventures with you. Some are wild... some are mild... but all will be interesting and fun!

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