Thursday, May 27, 2010

Responsibility... a daily lesson with pets...

I'm in the middle of writing my fourth book, Getting to the Heart of Responsibility. I'll admit it's a tough lesson to tackle. But you could do what I did... fill your house with lots and lots of pets. We have two dogs, a rabbit, two guinea pigs, 7 gerbils, 2 hamsters, a bearded dragon, two fish tanks and lots of fish bowls. And the kids participate in their care EVERY SINGLE DAY.
The pics above show a portion of my hearth room. The rabbit hutch is in front of a fireplace, but we don't mind. We open Remy's door a few time a day and he runs and hops and plays with the dogs. He is litter-box trained... which is so nice.
You can imagine that there is lots to do... refill water bottles and food bowls... refresh the litter boxes. It's quite a family production on "clean cage and tank" day.
It's more than a lesson in responsibility... it's also about respect and opening your heart to the little creatures of the world. And every kid needs that lesson.

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