Monday, September 14, 2009

Our First Award!

Lori and I are so excited... we are the proud author and illustrator of an award-winning children's book! Last week, I learned that our book, Getting to the Heart of Complimenting, was honored with the Best in Juvenile Books ~ Pinnacle Print Award for graphic design and printing. I kept it a secret for a whole week... cause I knew it would the perfect "little" gift for Lori's 40th birthday. It was so worth the wait... I had the honor to present this trophy to Lori with her family and friends looking on... she was soooooo thrilled!
Now, it is true, I can be quite powerful when I want to be. When I received my invitation to Lori's party (about two weeks ago), I secretly wished for such an honor to come our way. While most book awards won't be announcing winners until early next year, I knew that the Moonbeam Award finalists were set to be announced very soon. I was truly hoping for some good news... before Saturday's party.
Well, no word from the Moonbeam Awards... yet. But out of the blue, my printer calls me and tells me about the Pinnacle Print Award... and informs me that my trophy was in the mail. How perfect!! I could order an extra trophy for myself, and give this one to Lori... it could not have worked out more perfect!
A couple of days before Lori's party, we had lunch together. We talked about positive thinking. We talked about how good things come to those who think positively. I managed to keep my little secret a secret, but during our wonderful lunch at Ted's Montana Grill, I did utter..."you have no idea how powerful I've been lately."
Positive thinking... my how it works! Now, about those Moonbeam Awards...

1 comment:

  1. I TOTALLY remember you saying that!!!! I had NO idea! Crazy! Yay, us!
