Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Have You Seen Me Lately?

Hello Again! I'm back to my blog... after a little time off. Did you miss me?

I'm looking forward to writing again... as I have lots to share. Life is crazy right now. Lori and I are busy working on book number two... Getting to the Heart of Respect. We are designing the layout together... it's fun, yet challenging. More on that later. I am homeschooling Sarah... which I absolutely LOVE doing... I feel like I've gone back to school as I learn something new everyday. Mind you, I do have a master's degree in communications/English... but there's lots of third-grade stuff that has been long forgotten. Ancient civilizations, the Renaissance, ecosystems... all cool stuff. My days are also busy with carting kids to various sports and functions, writing about Responsibility (book #3), taking care of 15 pets, and finding excuse after excuse why I can't cook, clean or do laundry.

Speaking of pets... little Chico (the cute little teddy-bear hamster pictured above) was NOT IN HER CAGE THIS MORNING! We thought a hole at the top of the Habitrail was securely capped... but NO...

The kids are fighting for the $10 reward... please stay tuned!

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