Sunday, May 23, 2010

Rabbits Rock!!!

Sure, you have a dog... maybe a cat. I'll bet you've even adopted a little hamster at some point. Maybe you have a fish tank... or a frog. Chances are that you've never owned a rabbit. A cute, cuddly, nose-twitching rabbit. Well, Santa brought the Paluszny family one for Christmas... and it's THE BEST PET EVER!

Just a minute ago, I was going through the pictures of little Remington that were taken tonight. Way too dark to print. So I'll retake the pics and post them tomorrow. I don't want to have to describe everything in words...

So what makes a rabbit so much fun? Well, Remington runs freely around our hearth room and kitchen nook... sometimes bouncing straight up a good 3 feet into the air. He's fun to watch and fun to chase... but won't leave the rugs as he hates the wood floors of the kitchen. He runs and plays with the dogs (two cockapoos)... and has never had an accident on the floor. He miraculously litter-box trained himself!

In the pictures that I will post tomorrow, you will see his hutch (in my hearth room) and how I'm able to hold him and rock him to sleep every night. He is so sweet and lovable! Wait til you see!

In tomorrow's post, I'll also share with you a bit about his breed (he's a Holland lop), and explain how to care for and feed a rabbit. Hopefully, in the end, I'm convincing you to give rabbit ownership a try... you will be THE COOLEST MOM (or Dad) if you brought one home for your kids.

More to come!

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